Thursday, December 20, 2012

Parenthesis and Quotation Marks

It's snowing. Well really it's just blowing the snow that already fell yesterday. It's cold and boring. I thought what better idea than to blog about my relentlessly boring life? But I don't mind boring. Because I do mind being extremely busy. 
So I'll soak it all in.

 I'm enjoying sitting in the living room overhearing my brother and husband playing Xbox (aren't I such a good wife?- ha!) with the glimmer of the Christmas tree for light, watching my favvvvvvvoritest movie- Titanic.
 (I know every single word/line in this three hour movie. Don't judge. I fast forward all of the "less than modest" parts, for lack of a better term. I just love the "history" of the movie and the sappy love story where there is no doubt in my mind there was enough room for two, especially for someone you love, on that darn door. Each time I watch it, somehow there is this little hope inside of me that the ship won't hit the iceberg and sink. Yes. Seriously.)

Our life since my last posting? Well here, let me tell you.

  1.  Student teaching is over. I am now a college graduate. I now have my undergrad in ELEMENTARY EDUCATION.
  2. I am jobless. That is until sometime in January when the board of education decides to send out my licensure and I can put all of my applications to good use to be a sub! (Most full time teaching positions are not posted until April-May, then I can really start to panic and freak-a-leak out during that application process.)
  3. Beau is doing PHENOMENAL at Wells Fargo. (I'll keep it at that so he doesn't go all "humble pie" on me for bragging about him.) He's quite the little banker. And quite a handsome one too, I might add. Stop in and have a look if you don't believe me. ;)
  4. I'm trying really hard to redo this blog. I'm bored of it. It's not "me". I want one more "me". More timeless. And by "redo", I mean I haven't even started because I have no idea how to. Ha. That's funny when I reread and write this.
  5. I'm super stoked for Christmas. I can't describe my love for Christmas. Food. Family. Giving. No work. The tunes. Just the whole mood. I love Christmas shopping. I love getting "more bang for my buck". Quality AND quantity can go hand in hand people. I promise you. I'm gifted. Oh baby. 
  6. Speaking of babies- the question of the year has been, "When are you going to have kids?" and if you really know us, then you have asked, "When are you starting the adoption process?". Since my last posting it would be true of Beau doing exponential amounts of research into our budget, our student loans (the only debt we have, thank the Lord), since he's a banker- mortgage loans/interest rates, adoption agencies, and information on the two countries we have narrowed it down to. Holy long sentence. Boom.

    Side note: I'm thankful for a man who has a heart as big as mine for our children across the ocean. It brings so much JOY to my heart seeing him stay up late into the night (he is so not a night owl) researching, configuring, filling notebooks and notepads, calculating (he so IS a numbers man), video-watching, emailing, etc. over the details of us becoming parents and responding to James 1:27. It's so evident in so many ways beyond these reasons, of how God has purposely blessed me with Beau and him with me. Thank you LORD even more.
    **Please pray for us that God would make it so clear on what to do and when and where.

    We're praying for BIG miracles to get rid of our student loans FAST. BIG miracles in finding the house for our family. Praying for BIG miracles in Him blessing us with funds for our children to come home. (Yes, even before officially starting the process.) 
    God is BIGGER, SO MUCH STINKIN BIGGER than any of these worldly obstacles. 

    Well, that's us.
    But loving where He has us right now.
    For the sake of all my "quotation marks"- of which I titled this post after seeing how often I used parenthesis and quote marks.... I automatically think of Joey, from my favvvvvvoritest television show: Friends

1 comment:

Farmgirl Chaos said...

I will get to helping with the blog makeover while I'm back at the farm....I hope. Just give me some ideas on color/style that you like please. :)