Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Body of Christ

Hi friends! Can you do me a favor?


Okay, take a look at a blog post by one of my friends, that God has so greatly blessed me with!

-------->   Sarah's sweet sweet blog

When you're done reading her words, will you pray with us? Because I for one, have a terrible time discerning what is my will vs. Gods thoughts/feelings/emotions and what God is whispering, okay, or YELLING at me sometimes. ;) And then, even when I know, having the boldness to obey or follow Him in faith, or to patiently wait if it's not the time.

So lets pray for clarity, peace, and a nearness to our Lord for Sarah and her darling boys in this time of waiting. I know she desires what our Jesus does and wants to bring glory to Him wherever she is, and whatever she might be doing.

THANK YOU brothers and sisters!

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