Thursday, May 8, 2014

Pancake Palooza (Fundraiser)!

I'm coming off of the most exhilarating weekend ever. We had our FIRST FUNDRAISER for our adoption on Saturday, May 3rd. OH BABY was it incredible.

We began the adoption process on January 17th. 
My staff sneakily and unexpectedly announced they were compelled to put together a fundraiser for our adoption, at a staff meeting on February 17th. Surprise! 

My bestie Erin, made us a "C" and "M" pancake for our kiddos initials. LOVE.  

I say sneakily, because I was sitting in a staff meeting, where one of my coworkers got up at the point of the meeting agenda that said, "Katie- service project update", and said something along the lines of, "Well Kendra doesn't know this but, (and I'm thinking, "Uhhhhhh what's going on?") I've felt compelled to do something to help with the cost of their adoption, to bring their two kids home. After getting it approved, I'm working on putting together a pancake breakfast fundraiser."

I cried.

Right there. Right there in front of all of my coworkers, principal, etc.
Just cried. (so grateful and so embarrassed all wrapped into one!)
The mastermind behind it ALL!

* Side note. It's hard. Really really really really hard for me to "let people" do things for me. Or ask for help, or ask for something. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it- more than you know. But I feel so torn, and have a hard time understanding why someone would go out of their way to do ________, for me. I just want them to know how deeply appreciative I am. Sometimes, that's directly related to the Gospel. Why would Jesus DIE for me? I'm working on this. I'm trying hard to swallow a piece of humble pie, often these days. I don't like pie. Let's say, a humble cinnamon roll from now on. 

SO from February to May 3rd, my wonderful coworkers pooled THEIR money to go in on the supplies for the breakfast to eliminate any 'overhead'. They (classroom parents and students included) volunteered their 'pancake materials', their time, their weekend, their talents, etc to put together the most wonderful fundraiser that I've ever been a part of.

It was like our wedding reception all over again. Running around so excited to see familiar faces, and equally excited to see the faces we didn't recognize that took time out of their Saturday (a morning nonetheless!) to come support us. The little ol' Christiansens. Wow. The Lord is so good.
(ie: super awesome coworkers) 

For two hours, people POURED in to my wonderful school/work much so, we:

1.) Ran out of places to sit, so had to put down more lunch tables

2.) Ran out of pancake mix! One of my dear parents from my classroom- literally dropped what he was doing (eating delicious pancakes) and ran to the nearest grocery store and came back to reload the pancake mixers and flippers! (THANK YOU!)

3.) It was a huge success!
 God provides just what we need, when we need it.

4.) God is good.

Without further ado- check out some pictures that Katie took for us to remember this day! WHOOP! Please, please, please accept our deepest gratitude if you were there to eat pancakes, helped in any way, prayed, etc. We literally can't do this without YOU! (through the Lord of course) We are forever and ever grateful. YOU had a part of bringing home our children. (oh boy. My heart just could explode.)

To GOD BE THE GLORY, forever and ever!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are an incredible woman Kendra both you and Beau will (are) make a wonderful family our little Macy and Carver! Lise Sievers-Omoding Founder of His Grace Orphanage